All data issued by this laboratory are traceable to national primary standards of measurement and the international system of units (SI). 2.本实验室体系按CNAS-CL01《检测和校准实验室能力认可准则》执行,质量管理及技术均符合ISO/IEC 17025:2005的要求。
The laboratory system by CNAS-CL01《Accreditation Criterria for the Competence of Testing And Calibration Laboratories》implementation, Quality management and technology all conform to the ISO/IEC 17025:2005. 3.本*的校准结果仅对当时受校准样品有效,受校准后之仪器准确度,则视往后使用之小心程度及使用之频率而定。
This certificate of calibration results of the calibration samples is valid at the time, only after the calibration of the instrument accuracy, looks back the usage and extent on the frequency of use. 4.本次校准的技术依据: Reference documents for the calibration: 参照JJG 119-2005 实验室pH(酸度)计检定规程 5.本次校准所使用的主要计量标准器具: Major standards of measurement used in the calibration: 名称∕型号 Description∕Model 编 号 Serial No. 号∕有效期 Certificate No.∕Due Date 技术特征 Technique Character pH校正液 15082510 H1609141****/2019.03.08 / 6.本次测量结果的不确定度: Expanded uncertainty of the measurement results: U=0.02pH 以上不确定度的包含因子k=2,(依据JJF1059.1-2012测量不确定度评定与表示) 7.校准地点、环境条件: Place and environmental conditions of the calibration: 地点: 委托方现场 Place 温度: 20.3℃ Temperature 相对湿度: 57%RH RelativeHumidity 其他:∕ Others 一、外观及工作性能检查:符合要求。